Drafting & Design Services


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The Process

  1. Contact SHD by phone or email with short description of your project. You likely will be asked to fill out the START FORM for basic project information, or otherwise email documents and files to get an overall picture of your needs.

  2. Depending on your project and its location, and current COVID conditions, we may set up a free 1-hour consultation to discuss more particulars, either in person or over the phone. Otherwise, initial consult can be handled by email.

  3. Based on our discussions, SHD writes a contract with description of SHD limitations, scope of work, delivery, and estimation of fees. You review the contract and we will clarify any necessary points.

  4. When you are ready to get started, you give "Approval to Proceed" within the timeframe (usually 10 days) and pay the initial non-refundable deposit as stated in contract.

  5. Work begins and is invoiced according to the time period (e.g., every 2 weeks, monthly, in stages, or when complete) as stated in contract. SHD determines the time period based upon the individual nature of your project.

  6. SHD appreciates your prompt payment for services rendered. Credit cards via PayPal, cash, and check accepted. PayPal profile not required. Checks should be made to "Southern Harmony Designs" and mailed to 233 Joyce Rd, Hillsborough NC 27278.
